Eilidh Shaw: Q & A
Eilidh answers some daft questions
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that shoogle_admin contributed 23 entries already.
Eilidh answers some daft questions
Welcoming Eilidh Shaw to Shooglenifty
Proceeds will help fund our documentary project and a percentage of each sale will be donated to Cancer Research
For all those of you who are wondering what the Shoogles are up to right now and what the band’s plans are for the future, finally a little enlightenment…
One of Angus’s former pupils, Deirdre Armstrong, offers her own appreciation of his rather individual teaching style …
James Mackintosh’s heartfelt eulogy to his brother Shoogle
An appreciation of our brother Shoogle
Some great reviews for our new album. Click above to read them …
Find out why our gig in Stereo on 18 December will be very special indeed
This is what happens when you sit the Shoogles down in separate rooms and ask them the same questions