We’re delighted to announce that our prize draw for the Jodhpur Riff Coronavirus Fund has raised £2,500. We couldn’t be happier, and echo the words of Jodhpur Riff Director, Divya Bhatia:
“Many, many thanks to our Shooglenifty family and all participants in this singular and spectacular fundraiser; you make our world a better place”
As many of you will know we are very close to their brother musicians in Dhun Dhora, the Rajasthani band we recorded Written in Water, their 2018 release. Like many we were horrified by the devastating effects that Covid 19 has had in India over the past year, and especially the last few months when the Delta variant has taken hold.
Dhun Dhora, and many other Rajasthani folk musicians have had no work since the pandemic took hold. With no government safety net to support these musicians they have really suffered. Thankfully Jodhpur Riff, the festival that does so much to promote their music throughout the world, stepped in last year to raise funds for them. They distributed £27,000 of aid, but this new more lethal wave has meant a further push for fundraising has been necessary.
After a Zoom catch up with Divya Bhatia, Jodhpur Riff director, earlier in the year, the band decided to hold a prize draw for which they would donate some very unique prizes. The prizes were:
- Weekend for 2 at James and Kaela‘s Caravan Up North
- Signed test pressing for Acid Croft Vol 9
- Two tickets for Feis Na Mara 2022
- A tune written especially for you by Quee
- The guitar Malcolm played on all albums from Venus in Tweeds to Murmichan
- An online Gaelic song lesson from Kaela
- A tune written especially for you by our bestie Laura Wilkie
The last prize was donated by Laura Wilkie who played fiddle so beautifully on Written in Water.
We have been blown away with the generosity of friends and fans who have contributed to the campaign. And are delighted that we will be able to make a difference to the lives of many of our musician friends.
Here’s some info about how the money will be spent by Divya, “In addition to supplying much needed food and medical aid, our Coronavirus Relief Project will contribute towards livelihood opportunities for 30-40 young master musicians who have had no work for over 18 months now. The additional amounts raised through this fund-raiser would help tremendously as we could begin to pay some artists much-needed wages for rehearsals and the creation of new artistic work.”
When the draw closed at 12noon today, we set about making the draw. Without access to the spreadsheet of entrants (naturally!) each band member was asked to think of a number between 1 and the biggest ticket number for their prize. All winners have been notified via email, and the prizes will be delivered as soon as possible.